Unlike most other states, Alabama does not have any regulations or laws restricting employers from screening job applicants based on their criminal record. With that said, an Auburn, AL DUI conviction can certainly make it more difficult for you to gain employment, regardless of your qualifications.
As part of the screening process, most Alabama employers tend to review potential employees’ driver history and perform a background check. A DUI conviction on your record can hurt your possibility of getting hired for the job.
Conversely, if you are already employed, a DUI conviction could lead to your suspension or termination in some cases. For instance, if you are employed at an auto dealership, a DUI conviction can put your job at risk as most dealers tend to have a ‘morals’ clause in the employment agreement, allowing them to terminate your employment if you are convicted of an offense.
A DUI conviction can also get you disqualified if you are a licensed security broker, preventing you from working in the securities industry.
Many Auburn employers require employees to voluntarily inform them of a DUI arrest or any other criminal arrest within a reasonable duration. Once the employee discloses their arrest to the employer, appropriate action will be taken against them based on their organization’s policies. The employee may be asked to attend a rehab program and/or be suspended, demoted, or fired, depending on the employer and the nature of the work involved.
Effect of Auburn, AL DUI Convictions on Professional License Applications
If you are convicted of a DUI, applying or renewing a professional license can be quite challenging. For instance, a law student arrested for DUI will need to appear before the Alabama State Bar’s Character & Fitness Committee before taking the AL bar exam.
Similar rules are applicable to other licensed professionals such as doctors, nurses, teachers, pharmacists, etc. The board may decide to deny, withhold, or revoke your license, depending on the nature and severity of the charges against you.
Effect of Auburn, AL DUI Arrests in the Military
You are eligible to serve in the military even with a misdemeanor DUI conviction on your record. However, a felony DUI conviction precludes you from being eligible for military service. If a service member faces DUI charges, they may be prosecuted by a military court or a civilian court, depending on the area of their arrest.
For instance, if you are arrested on a military base, you will face administrative actions and a court-martial. Punishment can range from imprisonment, a letter of reprimand, and grade reduction to forfeiture of pay or dismissal. On the other hand, if you get arrested away from your base, you will find yourself being prosecuted by a civil court. In this case, you will have to serve jail time as well as pay a fine.
Effect of Auburn, AL DUI Convictions on Commercial Truck Drivers
For a commercial trucker, an Auburn DUI conviction is one of the worst professional setbacks that you can suffer. Upon being convicted for the first time, your license will be suspended for one year. A second conviction will result in a lifetime license suspension.
It is important to note here that in AL, these penalties apply irrespective of the type of vehicle you were driving at the time of your arrest. For instance, if you are arrested for DUI while operating a passenger vehicle, it will still lead to your commercial driver’s license suspension.
Informing your Existing Auburn Employer about Your DUI Conviction
Certain employee agreements require an employee to disclose arrests for DUI or any other offenses to the employer. It’s critical to tell your employer about your arrest or conviction if you are under contract. Upholding the terms of your contract is crucial. The failure to inform the employer of your arrest if you are contractually obligated can lead to your dismissal.
Certain professions require you to report DUI arrests, such as childcare workers, military personnel, Lyft or Uber drivers, commercial truck drivers, public service employees, and pilots. If your company specifically asks you to disclose any DUI charges, it is crucial for you to do so.
Speak to a Skilled Auburn, AL Criminal Defense Attorney
A DUI on your criminal record in Alabama could have an adverse effect on your future in areas such as job opportunities, credit offers, housing, insurance, and education, among others. Based on this, it is important to consult an experienced attorney to understand your options.
Do not let a previous DUI charge that was dismissed remain on your criminal history record. The Alsobrook Law Group will work had to seek an expungement of your prior DUI arrest in Auburn, AL. To understand more about your options on expungement, call today at (334) 737-3718.