First Offense DUI
The seasoned lawyers at Alsobrook Law Group will help you navigate the complex judicial system if this is your first DUI ever or first DUI within ten years. Our lawyers will help you avoid a conviction and DUI penalties as far as possible.
Second Offense DUI
If you were arrested for a second DUI charge within ten years, we could offer you strong legal defense.
Third Offense DUI
Our seasoned DUI attorneys will provide you robust defense against your third DUI charges with a period of ten years.
Felony DUI
You may face felony charges if you are arrested for a fourth DUI within ten years or when any drunk driving accident causes serious injuries to another person.
Aggravated/Super DUI
In Alabama, you face an aggravated or “Super” DUI if your breath or blood test indicated that you have a BAC of 0.15 percent or higher.
Boating Under the Influence
If you are operating a boat with a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher, you could be charged with a DUI.